
Trinity College Arts Award

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Arts Award Bronze

To achieve Bronze, a Level 1 national qualification, young people take part in an arts activity they enjoy, go to an arts event, research their arts inspiration and share their skills with others. Bronze is available to young people aged 11 to 25.

Arts Award Silver

Silver Arts Award, a Level 2 qualification, has two units – Unit 1: arts practice and Unit 2: arts leadership. Doing Silver involves achieving an arts challenge, reviewing arts events, researching artists and arts organisations, and delivering an arts leadership project with other people.

Realtime Arts tutors are trained to deliver the Arts Award Bronze and Silver courses in Art and Design and Studio Music.

Studio Music Course

The Studio Music Course covers everything from beat production to lyric writing and live performance. Young people will receive over 30 hours tuition from leaders at the peak of their profession using cutting edge music production software and equipment and leave with a portfolio and blog of their work and a CD of the music they have made. The course is designed to equip young people with the skills to access to access GCSE, A Level, and BTEC courses and gain entry to further education

Art and Design

The Art and Design course has been devised to prepare young people for college entry by helping them to create a portfolio of their work. Young people are taken through various aspects of art and design, from research and development of ideas, to visual arts outcomes and final exhibition. Each young person leaves with a portfolio of their work and online blog of their journey. The course is designed to equip young people with the skills to access to access GCSE, A Level, and BTEC courses and gain entry to further education.